
adventures of a plant-based athlete

Tricked ya! It’s vegan.

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So I just had a genius (okay maybe that’s subjective) idea today!

I brought some leftovers of my Asian veggie stir fry with spicy peanut sauce to work today. Apparently, my eyes were bigger than my stomach so I decided to share with a coworker. I didn’t really give him much detail about the meal (except for the peanut sauce – in case of allergies) and he welcomed my offer of free food.IMG_1316

This coworker of mine is very much a meat eater, a regular ‘ole “man’s man” if you will… not someone that would be welcoming, at least not without mocking comments, of a vegan meal. So after I handed him the food I wondered what he would think of this dairy free, meat free, no salt, little oil and plant strong meal. He handed me back a completely empty (and surprisingly, clean) container and said he enjoyed it!

I’ve often wondered, as I chow down on my self-proclaimed amazing dishes, if others would find it as tasty. Not sure if I’ve just trained my taste buds to enjoy a particular style of food or if it would be considered good to outsiders.

This got me thinking, can I get other people interested in a meat free lifestyle by showing them that vegan food can be both nutrition and delicious?!

Here’s what I’m going to do – every few weeks I’m going to bring leftovers into work to share with different people. I won’t put too much emphasis on the vegan aspect of the meal, only offering information about potential allergies. I’ll let you know what they think…

And by the way, I’ve been sneaking loads of spinach and kale into my little brothers’ smoothies when they spend the night. Not only do the suck it down, they ask for refills! Maybe I can figure out how to get them to enjoy other vegan meals as well!

Let me know if you share your vegan food with unsuspecting patrons and what they think about it. You can share your stories or pictures with me on instagram and twitter: @veggiefueled, #veggiefueled, #TYIVegan

(Remember: Allergies are serious – make sure they don’t have allergies to any odd ingredients you may include).

One thought on “Tricked ya! It’s vegan.

  1. Great idea! It’s taken my mum about six months since I move how to get curious about what I eat. Now she ask to have some of my meat free food and enjoys it. So I guess it’s not just us. The food is actually good!

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